Teaching & Service
- Fall 2019, 6.837, Introduction to Computer Graphics (Guest Lecturer)
- Spring 2019, 6.838, Shape Analysis (Guest Lecturer)
- Fall 2018, 6.837, Introduction to Computer Graphics (Guest Lecturer)
- Summer 2015, Math 250, Introductory Linear Algebra (Instructor)
- Spring 2014, Math 244, Differential Equations (TA)
- Spring 2013, Math 251, Calculus III (TA)
- Fall 2012, Math 135, Calculus I (TA)
- Sebastian Claici, Doctoral Student at MIT, AY2017/2018 - present
- Paul Zhang, Doctoral Student at MIT, AY2017/2018 - present
- Nilai Sarda, SuperUROP Undergraduate Student at MIT, AY2017/2018 - present
- Magnus Johnson, UROP Undergraduate Student at MIT, AY2017/2018 - present
- Eden Fedida Hefetz, Master's Student at Bar-Ilan University, AY2016/2017
- Alon Bright, Master's Student at Bar-Ilan University, AY2015/2016 & 2016/2017
- Gyu Eun Lee, Directed Reading Program (Hatcher's "Algebraic Topology"), AY2013/2014
- Eric Fay, Directed Reading Program ("Topology of Manifolds" course notes), AY2013/2014
Review Contributions
- SIGGRAPH 2017-2019
- Symposium on Geometry Processing 2018 & 2019, International Program Committee
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 & 2018
- ICML 2019
- NeurIPS 2019
- Eurographics 2018
- Pacific Graphics 2016 & 2017
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics
- IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- Computers & Graphics
- The Visual Computer
- Algorithms
- Frontiers of Computer Science