Designing Intelligent Robots:
Reintegrating AI II

AAAI Spring Symposium 2013
March 25th-27th, Stanford University

Call for Papers

Invited Speakers

Program Committee

Important Dates


Workshop Program


Call for Papers

We invite contributions describing research aimed at producing a functional, integrated robot system. Papers that provide a high-level overview of existing work or summarize the results of an extended research program along these lines are most welcome, as are papers that integrate two usually distinct areas of research.

In addition, we welcome position papers that address the challenges faced when performing integrative research. These papers will be used to initiate discussion on these topics. Areas of interest include (but are not limited to!):

  • How do we evaluate integrative research?
  • What are some good challenge and benchmark problems?
  • What are good platforms and frameworks for this work?

Interested participants may submit either full-length papers (up to 6 pages in AAAI format) or short papers/extended abstracts (2 pages) in PDF format to