AAAI 2013 Workshop on
Intelligent Robotic Systems

14th-15th July, Bellevue Washington

Call for Papers

Invited Speakers

Program Committee

Important Dates

Workshop Program



AI-Based Robotics (IROS WS)

Organizing Committee

Byron Boots, CMU
Nick Hawes, University of Birmingham
Todd Hester, UT Austin
George Konidaris, MIT
Tekin Meriçli, Boğaziçi University
Lorenzo Riano, UC Berkeley
Benjamin Rosman, University of Edinburgh
Peter Stone, University of Texas at Austin

Program Committee

Adam Barnett, University of Edinburgh
Nicola Bellotto, University of Lincoln
David Braude, University of Edinburgh
Bruno Castro da Silva, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Katie Genter, University of Texas at Austin
Stavros Gerakaris, University of Edinburgh
Dylan Hadfield-Menell, MIT
Marc Hanheide, University of Birmingham
Vladimir Ivan, University of Edinburgh
Piyush Khandelwal, University of Texas at Austin
Lars Kunze, University of Birmingham
Bruno Lacerda, University of Birmingham
James MacGlashan, Brown University
Kira Mourao, University of Edinburgh
Scott Niekum, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sarah Osentoski, Bosch Research
Siddharth Srivastava, University of California, Berkeley
Matthew Taylor, Washington State University
Jay Young, University of Birmingham