
Re: ANN: "Interacting with CORBA" article

On 23 Dec 1999 15:52:26 GMT, gransart@lifl.fr (Christophe.Gransart) wrote:

> In article <ZD5iON3EBGZqLJzAMbF=r7wLCPSd@4ax.com>, Jason Trenouth <jason@harlequin.com> writes:
> > why did
> > IDLScript itself need a new kind of specification process? Why isn't it simply
> > another language binding?
> We followed the standard process of the OMG (RFP, initial submission, 
> revised submission).
> But the result of this standardization work was two language mappings.

I proposed the answer you are searching for is along the lines of: "I don't
know why there was a separate Scripting RFP. We just thought our stuff looked
applicable and submitted it into that process. Of course IDLScript is just
another language binding really."

