Re: Harlequin 1.2 still available?
Hugh Greene <q@tardis.ed.ac.uk> writes:
> separate /source record/. The Dylan language design allows for what we
> would think of as "source files" actually just being views into a
> database. FunDev's "composite buffers" produced by commands like "Edit
> Methods" give you a taste of how this would work.
Apple Dylan actually did store all of the code in a database. There
were no source files, just database views.
> > Ahhh, Link-n-Go, the mysterious vanishing feature. Cool, I didn't know
> > the Dylan systems offered this.
> I think only FunDev does just now (i.e., not Mindy or Gwydion's d2c --
> dunno about the fabled Apple Dylan tech. release). BTW, I think in 2.0
Apple Dylan had it all. Oh, how I hate them for terminating the
project just when the result was finally in reach.
"Anyone need a DVD decrypter for Linux?
dig @ goret.org. axfr | grep '^c..\..*A' | sort \
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-- James Brister