
Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

Rob Myers wrote:
> .... but the
> semantics are pretty similar.


       Dylan                                      C 
   reference based semantics            value based semantics 
   (never make a copy unless            ( always make copies) 
     explicity asked for) 

   operators are function calls         operators tend to map to opocodes 

   most "statements" are expressions    statements don't return values. 
      1 ==  if test then a else b end; )

There are not totally unsimilar, but there are some definately some stuff
that can throw a C programmer into confusion. 

The presented code fragments were almost entirely "syntax", IMHO. 
The "last expression, function's value" sematics are matched in 
dylan and lisp whereas the C requires explicit control change.

I will grant that people present their most negative visceral  reactions
to "alien" syntax. Second only to "alien" editors. :-)  They seem to 
much more forgiving of difference as long as it malleable enough to 
tweaked to what they want. (if necessary, a big enough hammer to 
fit round peg into square hole. 
         if test then temp := a else temp := b end;
         1 == temp; 
Or the classic "FORTRAN written in C". )

Follow-Ups: References: