
Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

Johan Kullstam wrote in message ...

>it's not.  i like the lisp syntax because of its clean look.  more
>importantly, the syntax is what lets lisp have such powerful and
>useful macros

This is simply wrong.  What makes DRM Dylan macros less
powerful than Lisp macros is that they can call general procedures
at compile-time.  The syntax has nothing to do with it, except that
Lisp macros at their worst are even more unreadable than Dylan
ones.  As I have already said in this so-called conversation, the
adoption of Keith Playford's procedural macros for Dylan would
make them equally as powerful as Lisp's macros.

The confusion of macro power with infix is just that -- confusion.
