Re: announcement: open sourcing of MCL kernel and compiler
On 5/10/01 4:46 AM, Hazem Sayed, (hsayed@digitool.com), wrote:
> Digitool is pleased to announce the open sourcing of MCL's kernel and
> compiler.
> The MCL "kernel and compiler" will become available as opensource
> under the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). The opensource project
> will be maintained and overseen by Gary Byers at
> http://www.clozure.com/openmcl.
I'm no expert in such matters, but MCL is a very fast, *incremental* PPC
compiler. Couldn't it be used as the basis for an incremental, native PPC
Dylan Compler? After all, Apple Dylan was written in MCL.
In fact, couldn't this be used as the basis for any PPC native compiler with
garbage collection?
Raffael Cavallaro, Ph.D.