
Re: Q: member syntax in dylan?

On Thu, 10 May 2001 05:45:01 -0400 (EDT), "Roland Paterson-Jones"
<rolandpj@bigfoot.com> wrote:

> Is there any intrinsic reason not to allow 'obj . member' syntax for methods
> with more than one argument in dylan?
>         e.g. obj . m ( o1 , o2 , o3 , o4 )

Actually it has been argued that the equivalent syntax in Dylan ought to

	( o0, o1, o2, o3, o4 ) . m

to highlight that the other arguments are not processed differently from
the first.

I don't think there is any intrinsic reason although there may be technical
issues in the lexing or parsing.

> Is there any intrinsic reason against allowing definitions of methods
> closely coupled with class definition?
>         e.g. with <class>
>                 define method m1 ( a1 , a2 ) ... end
>             end
>         instead of
>             define method m1 ( <class> this , a1 , a2 ) ... end
> Please forgive all errors, I'm just starting to look at dylan for the first
> time.

Again there is no intrinsic reason. In fact you might be able to write a
macro to do this although it might end up looking more like:

define protocol ( this :: <foo>, that :: <quux> )
  define method bar ( a1 :: <bar> ) ... end;
  define method baz ( a2 :: <baz> ) ... end;

so that it expanded into:

define method bar ( this :: <foo>, that :: <quux> , a1 :: <bar> ) ... end;
define method baz ( this :: <foo>, that :: <quux> , a2 :: <baz> ) ... end;

