Re: Multiple dispatch / multimethods??
On Wednesday, July 25, 2001, at 12:30 am, Scott McKay wrote:
> I'm not trying to bait anyone here, but isn't it actually quite
> difficult to interface to C++ from Java? I don't know the
> answer to this; please forgive my ignorance.
Yes. JDirect, or Apple's stuff for calling Objective-C code, all require
runtime system magic.
> It's actually quite easy to interface to COM with FunO's
> Dylan. I am under the impression that many important
> C++ libraries can be easily accessed via COM. Of
> course, I could be wrong about this, too.
Fun-Dev's COM and CORBA support is a world class solution for
interfacing to existing code. SWIG comes up on the list every few
months, but nobody ever tackles it. :-)
> The lack of Unicode support in FD needs to be addressed,
> that much is certain.
I think GD has some Unicode support.
- Rob.
Dylan(tm) - The Object-Oriented, Dynamic Language.