
Re: Multiple dispatch / multimethods??

Mark Jordan wrote in message <9jkcik$n9b$1@neptunium.btinternet.com>...
>"Gary Stephenson" <garys@ihug.com.au> wrote in message
>True, except there's no UNICODE support, and interfacing to legacy
>C and C++ is not easy.

I'm not trying to bait anyone here, but isn't it actually quite
difficult to interface to C++ from Java?  I don't know the
answer to this; please forgive my ignorance.

It's actually quite easy to interface to COM with FunO's
Dylan.  I am under the impression that many important
C++ libraries can be easily accessed via COM.  Of
course, I could be wrong about this, too.

The lack of Unicode support in FD needs to be addressed,
that much is certain.

Follow-Ups: References: