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Re: The activity level of dylan.

Bruce Hoult <bruce@hoult.org> writes:

> With most things, i understand that it is fewer than 10% of people who 
> read a newsgroup or a mailing list who actually post.  I don't know if 
> that applies to Dylan, but I recall Andreas Bogk saying that a new 
> version of Gwydion Dylan pretty quickly gets several hundred downloads.

Yes.  2.3.5 was downloaded over a thousand times, and that's without
mirrors, people getting it from their Debian distribution etc.

2.3.8, although not even officially announced here (I suppose I should
do this now), has been downloaded more than a hundred times during the
last week.

> There was an announcement here recently of a "DSP" system.  I'm quite 
> excited about that.  Dylan is far better suited to doing scripting-type 

Me too.  I want to get rid of PHP for our web pages as soon as


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                                                       (Michel Serres)