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experiences with CW plug-in & Carbon


Dumb question, should've thought of it sooner. Is the preliminary Carbon
support intended to support OS 9, or is it dependent on OS X specific
features? I'm kind of hoping for OS 9 support ;-)



I got the CW plug-in, tweaked the sample projects to make them work with CW
Pro 7.2. Then got Rob Meyers' carbon stuff and tried to use that with CW to
create a Mac OS 9 Carbon application, and went straight to header hell!

Rob's call-by-value-wrappers.c includes <Carbon.h>, which finds Metrowerks
CodeWarrior:Mac OS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Carbon.h, and in
turn includes <CoreServices.h>, which resolves to the same path as Carbon.h,
and in turn includes <Threads.h>, which resolves to Metrowerks
ds.h, which is not what is wanted, and includes some damn windows-specific
headers without, as far as I can tell, any conditionals!

This just happens to be the first file called "threads.h" which CW finds in
the {compiler} access path. But the truly twisted thing (besides the length
of time it took me to figure out where error-producing headers were being
included from--a few levels below the incorrect instance of threads.h) is
that adding the {compiler}:Mac OS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes
path before the {compiler} entry, resetting project paths, re-finding files
and so on didn't fix the problem. Only removing {compiler} did. (Which then
required adding {compiler}:MSL:MSL_C:MSL_MacOS:Include.) I thought afterward
that maybe I should have removed object code, but as an experiment I added
{compiler} back at the end. Recompiled, no error. Moved {compiler} to the
top. Recompiled, errors. Moved {compiler} to the end. Recompiled, no errors.
So something is whacked up wrt to changing access paths in CW.

Why am I reporting this? Not sure, really. Gabor's CW sample project doesn't
play well with Rob's carbon sample because of some conflicts with search
paths for headers. And the whole thing is made more fun by some CW


Why, in call-by-value-wrappers.c do the following functions not return a

growwindow, findcontrol, trackcontrol, testcontrol, trackgoaway,

Scott Ribe
(303) 665-7007 voice