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Re: Simpe Gwydion question
In article <87u1n4ndql.fsf@andreas.org>,
Andreas Bogk <andreas@andreas.org> wrote:
> Bruce Hoult <bruce@hoult.org> writes:
> > With one simple change your program now runs in 0.02 seconds instead of
> > 1.23 seconds. After increasing the number of iterations from 100 to
> > 10,000 it takes 0.76 seconds. So Dylan just got 160 times faster for
> > this type of program.
> Bruce, you rock :).
Nah, I just tweaked Eric Kidd's optimizer work for limited vectors.
Like many things in d2c, the framework is there and quite sound, but it
just needs a few i's dotted and t's crossed here and there. Which often
requires only possesion of a Round Tuit ... or someone to need some
feature and ask for it.
-- Bruce