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Re: Simpe Gwydion question

In article <457e22d8.0207150346.4b3912cc@posting.google.com>,
 fn@hungry.com (Faried Nawaz) wrote:

> Lame followup:
> -- cmucl --
>   44.7476 seconds of user run time
> -- dylan --
>        30.21 real        27.60 user         0.02 sys
> -- c --
>        30.20 real        27.59 user         0.03 sys

So Dylan is 60% faster than CMUCL, and within experiemental error of C.


- this is a slightly different task than the previous example used

- the Dylan program is running with full safety e.g. bounds checks, type 
checks.  Both the C and Common Lisp programs are unsafe.