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Re: string-to-float

<robmyers@mac.com> wrote in message
> On Tuesday, July 23, 2002, at 05:00 AM, Carl Gay wrote:
> > What about getting together a library of utility code that is less
> > formal than common-dylan?  I have a few little goodies that I use
> > in just about every Dylan project that would be good in a utility
> > library (most of which were written by others):  inc!, dec!, iff,
> > with-simple-restart, <sealed-constructor>, <singleton-object>.
> There's the *-ext libraries in gd/common (note that this is not
> common-dylan, it's code that's common to mindy and d2c!). So we have
> collections-ext, string-ext, etc. Extension code should go in these. I'd
> like to formalise the *-ext libraries so that they're either candidate
> code for the next revision of the core Dylan libraries or they're a
> standard way of extending the core libraries.
> > I'd also love to see a comprehensive string library.
> I think there was a proposal a while back on the private common-dylan
> list. I don't know what became of it.
> >  You've got a tokenizer,
> I'd like to generalise it into a stream or collection tokenizer.
> > I have quote-html and just converted base64
> > encoding/decoding from Common Lisp, and Scott McKay's string utils
> > are in almost everything I've ever written.
> Where's Scott's string utils?

You can find it in both the DUIM and Deuce sources.  It's open-source,
I would be happy for it to get put into something else.

> > Anyone else got anything to add?  I'd be happy to organize it
> > and put it on a web page.
> Well, as I say I'd add my stuff to *-ext, but if you set up a
> sourceforge project or something I can donate stuff so it's easy to use
> with FD.
> - Rob.