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Re: Java memory model
Fair enough. (And thanks for the JMM archive pointer.)
--- Vladimir
P.S. The first sentence of the most recent posting (from Bill Pugh):
OK, well not quite. That was just to get your attention.
Vladimir G. Ivanovic http://leonora.org/~vladimir
2770 Cowper St. vladimir@acm.org
Palo Alto, CA 94306-2447 +1 650 678 8014
"SR" == Steven Richman <richman@lcs.mit.edu> writes:
>> From: Vladimir G Ivanovic
>> Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 5:51 PM
>> Would anyone care to speculate on why it's taking so long to fix the
>> Java memory model? The problem has been known since at least June 1999,
>> but JSR-133 gives this timetable:
SR> ...
>> I can understand that (a) the problem is hard and (b) it's important to
>> get it right, but I'm still left with the feeling that progress has
>> slow. What seems to be the holdup?
SR> I think "the problem is hard" is the crux of it. It's a lot of
SR> work to find out what's wrong with the current model, and then to
SR> collect consensus from compiler/VM implementers, architects, and
SR> programmers on what they want/need, and then to propose a correct
SR> solution. Plus, this effort has been spearheaded mostly by a
SR> single man.
SR> You should check out the archives of the JMM mailist list:
SR> http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/archive/ The first post is on
SR> June 24, 1999, and the most recent, from November 27, 2001, is titled "The
SR> Memory Model is _done_." There has definitely been a lot of work done over
SR> the last 2.5 years; I don't ascribe the delay to people sitting on their
SR> heels or to JCP red tape.
SR> ,steven.