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Re: Off Topic? Guarded commands...
Hi there!
On Wednesday, December 12, 2001, at 04:59 , Michael Vanier wrote:
> Can someone give a quick explanation of
> what is meant by guarded commands?
Guarded commands refer to particular kinds of control structures
invented (if I remember correctly) by Dijkstra. The "canonical"
reference seems to be his classic book "Structured Programming".
Here is what they look like:
Guard = Condition "->" Instructions .
If = "if" Guard { "|" Guard } "fi" .
Do = "do" Guard { "|" Guard } "od" .
I don't want to define Condition and Instructions, but whatever you
imagine is probably right.
For the If, the "semantics" are as follows: If the set of "true"
Guards is not empty, choose any Guard (non-deterministically) and
execute it's instructions; then execute whatever follows the If.
Otherwise abort the computation ("throw an exception").
For the Do, the "semantics" are as follows: While the set of "true"
Guards is not empty, choose any Guard (non-deterministically) and
execute it's instructions. Otherwise execute whatever follows the
So for example, instead of writing
def max( a, b ):
if a > b:
return a
return b
and just "lumping" a lot of assumptions into the "else", you would write
def max( a, b ):
a >= b: return a
|a <= b: return b
and be real explicit about what you mean, especially about the fact
that it does not matter whether a or b is returned if a == b holds.
Anyway, that's my short version of it. Seems that it is easier to
proof things about guarded commands than about the common
deterministic control structures, but I leave that for someone else
to explain. Hope it helps.
Peter H. Froehlich @ http://www.ics.uci.edu/~pfroehli/