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Re: What is Python for?

Paul Prescod wrote:
> The question isn't to say what problem *Guido* was solving, but the 
> problem *Python* is solving for its users.

Well, that wasn't obvious from Paul's web page.  

(I doubt many Smalltalk users use Smalltalk because they
found Simula lacking, for example)

> On the other hand, the people who DO use Python are a highly diverse
> group and I can think of several camps.
> /snip/

And I could probably add as many, if I tried.

> Nobody who uses Python thinks of it as a portable ABC with some ideas
> borrowed from Modula-3.

Well, I do ;-)

But sure, if you want a catchphrase, I'd say "most other
languages get in my way (ymmv)."

Cheers /F