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RE: XML as a transition to s-expr
If we want to migrate people to a consistent syntax, why is the choice
only between s-expr and XML? Here is a better syntax than either:
table [:cellpadding "0" :cellspacing "0"] [
tr [] [
td [:width "50%"] "Cell one"
td [:width "50%"] "Cell two"
It is shorter to type, easier to read, and easier to process than
the equivalent s-expr's or XML. And if you like xml-style end group
balancing you can do use an optonal ';' comment character.
table [:cellpadding "0" :cellspacing "0"] [
tr [] [
td [:width "50%"] "Cell one" ;td
td [:width "50%"] "Cell two" ;td
Note: This all works because each "function" is presumed to take a fixed
number of arguments. I think it's ok two have both:
+ 3 5
add [2 3 4 5]
Lisp people may differ on this issue, but I don't think the annoyance of
s-exprs justifies unifying these two functions. Most functions I use
have a fixed number of arguments.
S. Alexander Jacobson i2x Media
1-917-783-0889 voice 1-212-697-1427 fax
On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Anton van Straaten wrote:
> Tony Kimball wrote:
> > Interesting. I think of s-expr's as eval'able entities,
> > but you think of them as read'able entities.
> > (table (:cellpadding "0" :cellspacing "0")
> > (tr ()
> > (td (:width "50%")
> > "Cell one")
> > (td (:width "50%")
> > "Cell two")))