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Re: continuations in the real world?

Noel Welsh wrote:

> There was a little bit of discussion about on the
> Lambda the Ultimate web log
> (http://lambda.weblogs.com/).  From memory one
> commercial developer confessed to using continuation
> passing style, though not being aware of the technical
> term.

I think *lots* of sites used to do this without being conscious of it.
Arguably, any time you use a combination of

- hidden fields
- a generated reference to a different script

you're using a form of CPS.

My very unscientific survey is that fewer sites do this now, relying
on server-side state to inform the same script where it is.  This
change is rather unfortunate.  Maybe it's because I've made lots of
reservations lately, but Orbitz is by far the worst offender.  You
explore several options in parallel (say, hotels), and it always only
remembers the last one you visited, no matter what the page you're on
when you click a link says.  (In the unlikely event anyone related to
Orbitz is reading this -- please clue in before you lose savvy users!)
