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Re: Question about grad schools.
Check out Sperber @ Tuebingen or Thielman @ Freiburg. -- Matthias
> Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 19:07:59 +0300
> From: Lauri Alanko <la@iki.fi>
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> Sender: owner-ll1-discuss@ai.mit.edu
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> Does anyone have recommendations on european schools? US is a trifle too far
> from home for some of us.
> I'm aware of Chalmers and INRIA, of course, since both are fairly prolific
> on Haskell- and OCaml-related stuff and automated reasoning. And Glasgow
> obviously used to have some big names, but they've since moved to research
> labs, so I'm not sure if it's such an interesting place any longer.
> Any others?
> Lauri Alanko
> la@iki.fi