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RE: orthogonality and generalized references (was Re: Zen of Python)
- To: "Guy Steele - Sun Microsystems Labs" <address@hidden>, <address@hidden>, <address@hidden>
- Subject: RE: orthogonality and generalized references (was Re: Zen of Python)
- From: "Todd Proebsting" <address@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 14:14:36 -0700
- Sender: address@hidden
- Thread-index: AcIGiNIT6SGaSRjHR+CTFZeirUrNQQAANy1Q
- Thread-topic: orthogonality and generalized references (was Re: Zen of Python)
As an opportunity to "contemplate," Guy proposes contrasting the subtly
different behavior, in Icon, of
/dict["foo"] := \dict["bar"]
dict["foo"] := \dict["bar"]
I'd like to take it a step farther---as an opportunity to demonstrate
the regular and powerful mechanisms of Icon. I'll do so by translating
each into Icon-like pseudo-code that lacks goal direction. I say
Icon-like because there's no way to capture an l-value in Icon, so I'll
have to fake it. (I'll also fake the "is null" test since that's what
we're talking about.)
dict["foo"] := dict["bar"] dict["foo"] := dict["bar"]
dict["foo"] := \dict["bar"] tmp := dict["bar"]
if tmp is not null then
dict["foo"] := tmp
/dict["foo"] := \dict["bar"] lval := lvalueOf(dict["foo"])
if rvalueOf(lval) is null then
tmp := dict["bar"]
if tmp is not null then
rvalueOf(lval) := tmp
Is the left column clearer than the right column? I think so, but then
I'm fluent in Icon. Is it possible to write incomprehensible GD code?
Absolutely. It's a balancing act, but I do know that I miss this kind
of GD construct in all other languages. Could I construct these kinds
of control flow out of continuations? Undoubtedly, but would it be as
clear and as regular as what Icon supports? I doubt it.
On the other hand, I was able to cheat in the examples above because I
knew that none of the operands could produce more than one value
(whether null or not). This fact allowed me to simplify the code on the
right a fair bit. A more complicated example to contemplate would be
the following (useless) example.
/dict["foo"] := \!dict
(In Icon the '!' operator produces the elements of a structure. In the
case of a dictionary, it's the values, not the keys.)
-----Original Message-----
From: Guy Steele - Sun Microsystems Labs [mailto:Guy.Steele@sun.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 1:47 PM
To: Guy.Steele@sun.com; kragen@pobox.com; ll1-discuss@ai.mit.edu; Todd
Subject: RE: orthogonality and generalized references (was Re: Zen of
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 13:14:08 -0700
From: "Todd Proebsting" <toddpro@microsoft.com>
Guy, you and I are both right, I believe. My example is correct, but
description is incorrect.
My example sets the value of dict["foo"] to 42 iff dict["foo"] was
as I wanted it to. My description of / is, however, backwards as you
point out. (I.e., the / computes the l-value iff the r-value *is*
And I was less than clear: I had included the example
\dict["foo"] := 42
not as a proposed replacement for your example
/dict["foo"] := 42
but as a contrasting example to illustrate the differing
behavior of "\" as opposed to "/".
Just for fun, we can contemplate the meaning of
/dict["foo"] := \dict["bar"]
and how it subtly differs from
dict["foo"] := \dict["bar"]