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Re: following up on speed

On Thursday 18 July 2002 01:32 pm, Michael Vanier wrote:
> It would be really cool if a high-level language was built on top of a
> lower-level version of itself which allowed unsafe operations, and if the
> debugging tools let you drop down into this lower level when needed.  I
> believe scm48 did this with pre-scheme, but I'm not aware of any other
> examples (unless you count Modula-3 and C#'s "unsafe modules").

Squeak Smalltalk (www.squeak.org) also is written in a restricted subset of 

The advantage of Scheme48 and Squeak is that you can run the VM on the 
runtime itself (self hosting) so you can test new features (slowly) but have 
all the debug tools handy.
