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RE: Scriptometer: measuring the ease of SOP (Script Oriented Programming) of programming languages

Daniel Weinreb wrote on 23 September, 2002 03:08:
> At LL1, the Perl folks explained that they were writing a whole new VM 
> because the JVM was inadequate to do what they needed.  I suggested that 
> explaining the details of this would make a great paper.  It would sure be
nice if 
> somebody, within the Perl team or not, would understand what's going on
> write a paper about it.
> Perhaps someone could find a student for whom this would be a 
> suitable project.

If any of the better known people on this list could get Damian Conway or
Mark Jason Dominus from the Perl folks involved. I figure both of them would
be competent to discourse, or could point further.
[Would be nice to have some real Perl geeks on the list, too ;-]