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RE: Typed exceptions

Exceptions from primitives can be tracked in the Mr's, so tracking 
plain old exceptions is doable, too. MrSpidey was there first. 
-- Matthias

At Fri, 1 Nov 2002 11:23:06 -0500, "Paul Steckler" wrote:
> > Does MrFlow do any analysis to track which exceptions can get raised?
> > Francois Passaux wrote a tool, Ocamlexc, that does this for Ocaml.
> > The paper abstracts say it uses a combination of effect system and
> > flow-based analysis to do the exception analysis. It's quite neat --
> > it can even connect each possible exception to a source location (it
> > has a GUI browser program to automate this). From your description it
> > sounds like you guys already have most of the necessary infrastructure
> > in place to do something similar in DrScheme.
> I don't think that's in place yet.  If an exception is raised within a
> with-handlers, then the handler is lexically apparent.  That case should
> be easy to handle with the current apparatus.  Otherwise, the exception
> flows to the current exception handler, which may be who-knows-where.  I
> think we'd need some added machinery a la Ocaml to track those flows.
> -- Paul