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Re: Excavators [was: A language idea: Elle]
--- Bruce Lewis <brlewis@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> If success is a hard sell to the decision-makers, you're working with
> the wrong decision-makers.
The eternal debate! See this musing:
I also recall a lively discussion around "macros" at LL2. Apparantly,
many of us feel macros make a language more useful, and yet langauges
with macros are a hard sell.
Personally, I have liked most of the places I've worked. Different
people have different strengths. Sure, it would have been great to work
for Paul Graham using Lisp to write Yahoo Stores, but then again I had
a blast working for Ed Lyclama using C++ to develop Threadalyzer
Back to my current job: it offers me some important and fulfilling
benefits, even if I have to use JunkWare to do my job.
Reginald Braithwaite-Lee
work: rlee@infobal.com | http://www.infobal.com
personal: reg@braithwaite-lee.com | http://www.braithwaite-lee.com
"They have to do their job, and they know that because if they don't do
their job they will have a lot of time to campaign from the
backbenches." ~--Jean Chretien on cabinet ministers seeking to succeed
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