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Re: what most every language is missing :-)
> How about adding a "might-equal" operator?
This joke immediately reminded me of ``The Best of Intentions: EQUAL
Rights--and Wrongs--in Lisp'' by Kent Pitman (available on the web at
http://www.nhplace.com/kent/PS/EQUAL.html). Kent makes the point that,
in providing ``copy object'' and equality-testing functions, language
designers often make rather arbitrary decisions, and, in the general
case, what the application programmer means by ``equality'' often does
not map well onto any given language's standard equality tests.
Here are some relevant quotes; I highly recommend reading the whole
``There is no uniquely determined equality function for complex
structures--there are only arbitrary ones.
``EQUAL and EQUALP are just two of an arbitrary number of possible
equality operations that could have been provided by the language.
Indeed, many of the dialects which contributed to the design of
Common Lisp had functions called EQUAL which had slightly varying
semantics. No particular definition was definitively better than
another. Arbitrary choices were made to resolve the differences.
``The orderliness of this relationship [between EQ, EQL, EQUAL, and
EQUALP] contributes to a mistaken impression among some programmers
that the equality testing done by EQUAL and EQUALP is somehow more
special than many similar predicates we could have provided but did
not. This is evidenced in occasional bug reports that vendors
receive, arguing that an incorrect choice has ``clearly'' been made
for how objects of a given type are compared, rather than
acknowledging that the choice is really quite arbitrary. When urged
to write their own equality predicate to suit their particular
needs, they sometimes react as if we are putting them off, rather
than realizing that any function they could write is just as valid
as any one the language provides. [...] EQUAL and EQUALP are not in
Common Lisp because they are uniquely dictated by science[...]''
Edward O'Connor
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem.