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Unit Test Coverage
On Thu, 15 May 2003, Jerry Jackson wrote:
> In general, the coverage question is addressed by the "try to break the
> app" approach. When a knowledgeable developer can no longer come up
> with a scenario that breaks the app, declare victory and move on (assuming
> that we're talking about one of these "hard" domains and we can't expect
> to get information from a coverage tool).
On the subject of coverage, I'd like to mention QuickCheck, even though
it's only for haskell (not exactly a lightweight language). I recently
had occasion to use it, and I was surprised to realize how good it is at
flushing out corner cases that I hadn't considered.
Using QuickCheck feels very different from writing unit tests, because
it's based on checking entire classes of inputs, instead of just
particular ones. It feels like a very useful, and orthogonal, way of
testing code. It's also extremely *lightweight* to use -- you don't have
to think of the corner cases; it does it automatically.
The idea behind QuickCheck would work in any language, as long as there
was some way to automatically generate inputs for a function. Since most
(all?) "lightweight" languages are dynamically typed, this might be
The QuickCheck home page: http://www.math.chalmers.se/~rjmh/QuickCheck/
I wrote about my experience with QuickCheck here:
Kimberley Burchett