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Re: s-exprs + prototypes
> Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 19:52:46 +0200
> From: Pascal Costanza <costanza@web.de>
> [1] These are descriptions of extreme points of views. Of course, there
> are more mild options in between. For example, one can think that OO is
> suitable in 90% of all the cases, so it's safe to opt for it.
I was with you up to this point. IMO it's exactly *because* of these 10%
of cases that relying on objects as the overarching paradigm is dangerous.
Sooner or later, many applications grow from the 90% realm to need features
in the other 10%. How often have you used a language with a particular
object system and then ended up butting your head against certain
unchangeable rules that you could code around (or at least, could only code
around with great difficulty)? That's why I think the discussion isn't
bogus, not because of lambda-fundamentalism ;-)