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CPS with Multiple Stack Machine Architectures

Greetings All,

> Second of all, his (trivially googlable) explanation of CPS is here:
> http://www.sidhe.org/~dan/blog/archives/000185.html

    Dan's Blog made some interesting points that seemed to suggest that
some of the challenges of building CPS-based language implementations
were related to today's dominant chip architectures' having a single
stack and heap in the same address space.
    In "Stack Computers: the new wave"
http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~koopman/stack_computers/ Philip J. Koopman,
Jr. describes some stack computer architectures with multiple hardware
stacks and large stack memories.
    Would it be easier to do a CPS-based language implementation in such
an environment?

    Koopman's book is a bit old (as far as its publication date goes),
but a fascinating read none the less.

    Does anyone know what the current state of the art is for such




Peter J. Wasilko, Esq.
     J.D., LL.M.               

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