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Re: CPS in Parrot (was: A plea for a new old language)
At 4:52 PM -0700 8/5/03, Michael Vanier wrote:
>I think the difficulty with continuations is even more basic than you
>describe. Continuations used in the call/cc sense violate our most basic
>assumption about functions, which is that a function called from HERE is
>going to return back HERE (the same place). Continuations let you say: a
>function called from HERE is going to return back WHEREVER, where WHEREVER
>is some location in the code that was previously captured in the
>continuation, lexicals and all. This idea that you can control where a
>function call is going to return is tremendously powerful, but is also very
>tough to wrap your mind around (I still don't feel I fully get it).
That confusion really comes about if you think of continuations as
function calls. They really aren't, as such--while you can implement
function calls with them, in languages that have function calls and
continuations I think keeping them separate leads to less confusion.
> > Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 18:10:14 -0400
>> From: Dan Sugalski <dan@sidhe.org>
>> At 3:22 PM -0400 8/5/03, Geoffrey Knauth wrote:
>> >On Tuesday, Aug 5, 2003, at 13:00 US/Eastern, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>> >>I'm convinced at this point that all of the fear people have about
>> >>continuations is a direct result of how they're taught and what's
>> >>associated with them
>> >
>> >I haven't feared what I don't know. I'm afraid to ask, "What's
>> >associated with them?"
>> Lisp and/or Scheme, though the way the design of computer languages
>> is taught (or, rather, not taught, until far too late) doesn't help.
>> The only place continuations are brought up, assuming they're dealt
>> with at all, is in a Lisp class, but not until the students have
>> already had a number of years (upwards of 5-10 for some) of
>> procedural and/or OO programming (C, C++, VB, even Java to some
>> extent), which hammers some assumptions about the intrinsic
>> stack-based nature of control-flow into students heads.
>> So, they walk into a lisp class with either the C model or the BASIC
>> "They're all globals!" model deeply internalized, then get hit in
>> rapid succession by Lisp's very different paradigm then a control
>> flow and variable model completely at odds with what they know to be
>> true. You then end up with a class full of people that either dislike
>> continuations because they clash with what they know to be true about
>> control and/or variables, or dislike continuations because lisp
>> clashes with what they know and any concepts introduced with it get
>> disliked by association. (Or they never understood it in the first
>> place because they couldn't get past the confusion of dealing with a
>> functional language, so everything explained in terms of the language
>> didn't stick)
>> It doesn't help that many of the folks publicly advocating
>> continuations tend to be a little... odd, so when you do run across a
>> paper or proposal, your first impression is that the author's either
>> mad or doing the CS equivalent of particle physics.
>> Not true for everyone, certainly -- a lot of people never get taught
>> anything about continuations, and all they know about them is that
>> most folks think they're Deep Black Magic.
>> --
>> Dan
>> --------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
>> Dan Sugalski even samurai
>> dan@sidhe.org have teddy bears and even
>> teddy bears get drunk
--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski even samurai
dan@sidhe.org have teddy bears and even
teddy bears get drunk