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Re: Vectors as functions

On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 12:29 PM, Joe Marshall wrote:

> The biggest problem with first-class environments ala MIT Scheme
> is the introduction of new bindings at runtime.  If you introduce a
> new binding, the `lexical address' (frame and offset) of a variable
> cannot be statically determined and you have to do a deep search
> every time.  It absolutely destroys any sort of compiler optimization.

Are programming language features only valuable that can be optimized?
For some problems optimization might not be as important as 

> If you went a tad further and allowed *syntactic* binding in
> first-class environments, you'd be truly hosed.

I understand what is meant by dynamic and static binding. Or compile 
time or runtime lookup resolution. But what do you mean by "syntactic"?

--- james mccartney

--- james mccartney   james@audiosynth.com   <http://www.audiosynth.com>
SuperCollider - a real time audio synthesis programming language for 
MacOS X.