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Re: the benefits of immutability

Michael St . Hippolyte wrote:
 > > It is non-trivial to write an externally facing class that allows
 > > subclassing.
 > I'm not sure your example proves this.

You're right.  It merely serves to *illustrate* rather than prove.

 > Equality in Java is inherently non-transitive regardless of
 > subclassing, because if a and b are objects belonging to different
 > classes then a.equals(b) and b.equals(a) are in general calls to two
 > separate methods that don't necessarily have anything to do with
 > each other.

I am not sure I understand what you mean by "inherently
non-transitive".  You cannot possibly mean that no "equals" method can
ever be guaranteed transitive, for surely it can.  The following
"equals" method is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

    public final class Circle {
        private int m_radius;

        public Circle(int radius) {
            m_radius = radius;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if ( ! (obj instanceof Circle) ) { return false; }

            return ((Circle) obj).m_radius == m_radius;

        public int hashCode() {
            return m_radius;

If you meant to say that equality comparison across proper class
boundaries can be fragile, even if both objects share a common
supertype, that would be hard to argue with.  That's not a problem
with Java though -- that's a problem with OOP in general.

 > Apart from the admittedly broken equality model in Java

See above.  It's not just Java.

 > what precisely are the difficulties in subclassing an externally
 > facing class?

Have you read the example I cited earlier:

You don't have to read the entire thing.  Scroll down to
InstrumentedHashSet.  If you don't find that example convincing,
please post and share your counterarguments.