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Re: dynamic vs. static typing

I see lots of UKP and EUR signs. This doesn't have anything to do with those currency traders who just got busted, does it?



At 02:28 PM 11/19/2003 -0800, James McCartney wrote:
>=let in =let in =let in = let in W ∃VθΓΣEx,,,,,()αn:Sn.τ∀ Ex()= 
>βn{}V∩∅= V βn{}∪Γβn:Sn θβn αn⁄τ,,, W ∃VθΓΣEλx.e,,,,,()α V∉ V' Γ' θ' 
>τ,,,()W ∃V α{}∪θΓΣEx:α[]e,,,, ,()= V' Γ' θ' ατ→,,,() W 
>∃VθΓΣEe1e2(),,,,,()V1 Γ1 θ1 τ1,,,()W∃VθΓΣEe1,,,,,()= V 2 Γ2 θ2 
>τ2,,,()W∃V1 θ1 Γ1 ΣEe2,,,,,()= α V 2∉ Γ' θ',()unify ΣΓ2 θ2τ1 θ2τ2 
>α→=,()= V 2 α{}∪Γ' θ'θ2 α,,,() W ∃VθΓΣElet xe1= ine2,,,,,() V 1 Γ1 θ1 
>τ1,,,()W∃VθΓΣEe1,,,,,()= αn{}FVθ 1τ1()FVθ1E()–= W ∃V1 θ1 Γ1\ αn{}ΣEx: 
>αn:Γ1αn.θ1τ1∀ e2,,, ,,()

David Farber