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Re: dynamic vs. static typing
On Nov 22, 2003, at 13:56, Roger Price wrote:
> Overbearing commitment? None. Heavy responsibility to keep a promise?
> None. On the contrary, I wilfully break the type system to see what
> would be needed if I changed an interface. The type checker is a
> friendly and tireless assistant who will remind me of details that I
> forget (or choose to forget). I am not stressed by my assistant. I do
> not hit walls, there is no angst.
If you had an editor that operated not on plain text files but on
programs (e.g. some form of AST) you might not care much about the
amount of "book keeping" the common cases of editing type declarations
require of you. If you changed the type of a function argument, for
example, it might be straightforward to have the editor update the type
declarations elsewhere to conform.
When considering issues like type declarations, I think it's important
to draw a clear line between issues of practical use using today's
tools vs. "real" language design issues. (In this regard, I'm a little
concerned that languages like Goo and Arc may be trying too hard to
reduce the amount programmers have to type as opposed to maximizing
Many language design decisions are based upon a simple model of
development tools, in which we edit plain text files, and usually only
one file at a time. In a more advanced system, most syntax details
could "go away" in the sense that you could decide how you wanted
programs to be presented for viewing and even change it dynamically. So
"the" syntax of a language might just be the default presentation.
Don't like where the scope delimiters are placed? Have them displayed
wherever you like. Prefer "begin" and "end" or "{" and "}"? Pick
whichever you want to see. Or hide them entirely and rely on indenting
to guide your eye. Don't like ":=" for assignment? Change it to "=".
Whatever you want. Want to see expressions presented using Lisp syntax?
Want to see an Arc-like "(x 1)" instead of "(aref x 1)"? Done.
Language design might be a simpler affair if semantics and presentation
were much more separated than they are today, especially if
presentation could be altered without changing the language design
But on the larger scale, consider issues like implementation
inheritance. Some say it's a bad thing because program behavior is
harder to understand. Part of the problem is that the full meaning of a
given method may depend on code that is textually remote. What if you
could view the implementation of a method with the inherited code
"inlined"? What if you could see all the possible variations of that
code for all known types?
Escaping the bonds of plain text files may reduce or eliminate problems
that are currently attributed to language design or programming
methodologies, but which are really due to the limitation of having
only one presentation of the code readily available for viewing.
Could languages be more "lightweight" if presentation and editing were
more robust?
Chris Page - Software Wrangler - palmOne, Inc.
Dylan + You = Code