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Re: dynamic vs. static typing
Howard Stearns <stearns@alum.mit.edu> writes:
> OK, how's this:
> "1. Without early spellchecking, the proportion of typos which
> manifest during later stages rises significantly.
> "2. Often, the nature of those typos isn't identified as clearly
> during compiling, testing, or runtime as it would be by a
> spell-checker, so they take longer to track down.
> I don't agree when Anton writes 1 and 2 about type
> checking, and I do believe the same unscientific argument about spell
> checking.
Anton's number one is just an observation that bugs that are fixed
early don't have to be fixed later. Hard to argue that.
I'm less sure about #2. Even if it is true, I could counter with
``Often, the nature of the type error isn't identified as clearly
during type checking as it would be by a dynamic test, so they take
longer to track down.'' This is not as absurd as it sounds at first
glance. Olaf Chitil gives this example:
reverse [] = []
reverse (x:xs) = reverse xs ++ x
last xs = head (reverse xs)
init = reverse . tail . reverse
rotateR xs = last xs : init xs
yields this error:
ERROR (line 7): Type error in application
*** Expression : last xs : init xs
*** Term : last xs
*** Type : [a]
*** Does not match : a
*** Because : unification would give
infinite type
It sure looks like a bug in line 7, but the bug is actually in line 2.
reverse (x:xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]
Now if this were an error discovered at runtime in a dynamically typed
language it would show us that the second argument to the list
concatenation wasn't a list, but rather a list element. The error
would be discovered right in the erring routine.