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Groovy as an Elle implementation? (was Re: A language idea: Elle)
I'd just like to reopen an old thread for a moment if I may. I stumbled
onto this list via a link to a post on a blog somewhere I forget
(probably Lambda the Ultimate) and went through a bunch of the
archives. I spotted the posts on Elle.
which grabbed my attention.
Reginald (or anyone else) did anything ever happen with Elle or did it
stay just at the idea stage? A few of us have started hacking on a
language called Groovy (more on that in a moment) which seems to fit
quite closely to Elle's ideas. So I was wondering if work on Elle had
started somewhere, maybe we could share ideas, experiences or code. I
did some googling and couldn't find anything. Or if Elle hasn't
started, then maybe we could use Groovy as a basis for what Elle was
trying to achieve?
If its of any interest, here's a quick overview of Groovy...
Groovy is a dynamically or optionally statically typed language
designed for the Java platform. It compiles straight to bytecode at
'build time' or 'runtime' & has tight integration with Java (a groovy
object == java object and vice versa) yet supports features from
'higher level' languages like Ruby & Python (& the various precursors
to those languages :) and so forth.
So we have autoboxing support, operator overloading, native List/Map
syntax, closures(*), neater iteration and overall simpler syntax than
java yet keeping a java-like feel, less syntax noise (; is optional), a
path expression language (not unlike XPath), markup for defining
structures (kinda like an alternative to XML), easier property notation
For a more complete list of the differences from Java see this link...
We're considering adding things like DTDs or Xen's cardinality type
extensions (?, !, *, +) too...
We're fairly close to the first official beta release...
and Groovy is ideal for J2EE scripting, unit testing of Java code or
writing groovlets (Servlets written in Groovy) to name but a few
Anyways, just thought I'd give folks interested in Elle a heads up on
Groovy; as in many ways Groovy has turned out to be an implementation
of much of what the ideas of Elle express. (Apart from the
Envelope-Letter pattern part, which you could implement easily with
Groovy using an interface or dynamic proxy as the 'envelope').
* not currently quite implemented as 'full' closures but we should
have that implemented soon