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Re: More on dispatching by function return type
On Dec 16, 2003, at 5:05 PM, Ken Shan wrote:
> John Clements claims (I think correctly) that "you can't write down a
> deterministic operational semantics for Haskell that doesn't involve
> the result of the type proof". He also says that "for other languages,
> you can", excluding C because it is nondeterminism. In fact, even a
> deterministic C++ doesn't have a deterministic operational semantics
> that doesn't involve the result of the type proof, because -- although
> C++ doesn't resolve overloading by return type -- you can use output
> reference arguments to rewrite your C++ code to always return void.
> Indeed, I can write
> int x;
> cin >> x;
> return x/2;
> as well as
> bool x;
> cin >> x;
> return !x;
> to take advantage of overloading on operator>>. In C++, such use of
> overloading does not make my program more concise, because I need to
> write down the type of x explicitly. A more trivial example of how
> types affect behavior in C++ is
> struct A { A() { cout << "Constructing A" << endl; }
> struct B { B() { cout << "Constructing B" << endl; }
> int main() { A x; }
> Here the type of x affects which constructor gets called. Of course,
> you could regard the type declaration for x to be part of the program
> proper rather than an annotation, but then again, one could regard type
> annotations in Haskell to be part of the program proper rather than an
> annotation, and devise an operational semantics whose very first stage
> performs type-checking and type-class overloading resolution.
This is exactly the distinction I'm getting at. An operational
semantics whose domain is "programs the programmer writes down" is
going to get to see the types written down by the programmer, and _not_
those inferred by the type system. So the C++ situation is different
from the Haskell situation. A "very first stage" which performs
type-checking is explicitly fenced out by the oracular type-checker I
tried to describe before.
At the end of the day, this is an argument about a sociological
problem: how confused can the programmer get? My point is that I can
draw a fairly well-defined "line in the sand" between languages which
"have an operational semantics" and those which don't. The problem
here is one of locality: how far away in the program do I have to look
in order to understand what's happening in my little corner of it? In
languages like ML, Scheme, etc. etc. etc., I can figure out what a
function call will do, knowing only the inputs and the code of the call
itself (plus all that icky mutable state). In the scenario you've
described, Haskell appears to make that impossible.
Let me take a step back, as well, and point out that the _whole_point_
of purely functional programming is to enable componential reasoning
about program fragments; it's curious that Haskell, of all languages,
would break this.
Keep in mind that I have no problem at all with inference as a part of
type-checking; ML falls into the "has an operational semantics"
category, as far as I can tell. It's just that the result of
type-checking is simply a "yea" or "nay" on whether the program is
Here's the other side of the coin, as I see it: Macros. Macros (e.g.
in Scheme) _also_ have the "bad" property that unless I know what
macros are present, I cannot hope to understand what a piece of code
does. My take on this (not an original thought, of course) is that the
macros are part of the language, and not part of the program, so the
operational semantics for a program written in Scheme must already take
into account the macros that are present.
So how does this apply to Haskell? It would appear that Haskell's type
classes are a different form of program abstraction, and therefore that
just as a Scheme program expands away the macros to reveal the "core"
program, a Haskell program is elaborated through type class resolution
and type checking into the "core" program. The difference I'm
suggesting is that in the Scheme case, I can push these expansion rules
into the language's semantics, because they're not whole-program
transformations. In Haskell, on the other hand, type-class resolution
and type-checking certainly appear (pardon my ignorance) to be global