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Re: Typing and semantics [dynamic vs. static typing]

On 2003-12-17T13:31:48-0800, Christopher Dutchyn wrote:
> > Perhaps it is relevant for me to point out that you don't have to
> > examine the type proof for the -whole- program to know the operational
> > behavior of the expression you are interested in.  You only need to know
> > (1) the typing environment, just like in ML, and (2) the type assigned
> > to the expression you are interested in.  Item (2) is just as local
> > as (1).
> But, where does (1) come from?  The whole program.  I can use a typeclass
> constraint to "forward-reference" an implementation of a procedure that
> may appear anywhere in the program.  The type-environment ends up
> containing the proven types of the entire program.  Admittedly, that's not
> the entire proof, but pretty close.

An operational semantics for ML necessarily

  - either requires as input values for every free variable in the term
    being evaluated (this is the "explicit substitutions" way);

  - or can only evaluate closed terms (this is the "implicit
    substitutions" way).

In this regard, Haskell is no different from ML.  If what you mean by
"use a typeclass constraint to 'forward-reference' an implementation of
a procedure that may appear anywhere in the program" is what I think you
mean, then recursive let does that in ML.  If not, could you please give
a concrete example of what you mean?

> Haskell lacks a decent module system, and so offer decent type and
> implementation hiding capabilities.  I asked Tim Sheard about this, and
> he pointed out that to have an ML-like module system would require rank-n
> types.  Rank-2 is already hard.  CaML gives recursive modules, requiring
> module fixpoints over rank-infinity types.  Ouch, my head hurts.

Actually (going off to a tangent), it's not so hard to get the hang of
using rank-n types in GHC as your module system... I don't know about
recursive modules though.

On 2003-12-17T16:25:11-0500, John Clements wrote:
> >(1) the typing environment, just like in ML, and (2) the type assigned
> >to the expression you are interested in.  Item (2) is just as local
> >as (1).
> Determining (2) can only be done by unification over the whole program, 
> no?

Yes in general, but (1) is also spread all over the whole program, and
that's the case in ML as well, as I tried to explain above.

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