Hao Tang 唐顥
Phonetic analysis of self-supervised representations of english speech
Dan Wells , Hao Tang, Korin Richmond
Interspeech, 2022
Speech audio corrector: using speech from non-target speakers for one-off correction of mispronunciations in grapheme-input text-to-speech
Jason Fong, Daniel Lyth, Gustav Eje Henter , Hao Tang, Simon King
Interspeech, 2022
Autoregressive Co-Training for Learning Discrete Speech Representation
Sung-Ling Yeh , Hao Tang
Interspeech, 2022
Hierarchical sketch induction for paraphrase generation
Tom Hosking , Hao Tang, Mirella Lapata
ACL, 2022
Supervised attention in sequence-to-sequence models for speech recognition
Gene-Ping Yang , Hao Tang
ICASSP, 2022
On the difficulty of segmenting words with attention
Ramon Sanabria , Hao Tang, Sharon Goldwater
Workshop of Insights from Negative Results in NLP, 2021
Vector-quantized autoregressive predictive coding
Yu-An Chung , Hao Tang,
James Glass
Interspeech, 2020(best student paper award)
Audio-visual calibration with polynomial regression for 2-D projection using SVD-PHAT
Francois Grondin, Hao Tang, James Glass
ICASSP, 2020
A deep residual network for large-scale acoustic scene analysis
Logan Ford, Hao Tang, Francois Grondin,
James Glass
Interspeech, 2019
An unsupervised autoregressive model for speech representation learning
Yu-An Chung ,
Wei-Ning Hsu ,
Hao Tang,
James Glass
Interspeech, 2019
VoiceID loss: speech enhancement for speaker verification
Suwon Shon , Hao Tang,
James Glass
Interspeech, 2019
Time-contrastive learning based deep bottleneck features
for text-dependent speaker verification
Achintya Kr. Sarkar,
Zheng-Hua Tan ,
Hao Tang,
Suwon Shon ,
James Glass
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2019
On the inductive bias
of words in acoustics-to-word models
Hao Tang,
James Glass
On training recurrent networks
with truncated backpropagation through time in speech recognition
Hao Tang,
James Glass
SLT, 2018
Frame-level speaker embeddings
for text-independent speaker recognition and analysis of end-to-end model
Suwon Shon , Hao Tang,
James Glass
SLT, 2018
A study of enhancement, augmentation,
and autoencoder methods for domain adaptation in distant speech recognition
Hao Tang,
Wei-Ning Hsu , Francois Grondin,
James Glass
Interspeech, 2018
Unsupervised adaptation
with interpretable disentangled representations
for distant conversational speech recognition
Wei-Ning Hsu , Hao Tang,
James Glass
Interspeech, 2018
End-to-end neural segmental models for speech recognition
Hao Tang,
Liang Lu ,
Lingpeng Kong ,
Kevin Gimpel ,
Karen Livescu ,
Chris Dyer ,
Noah A. Smith ,
Steve Renals
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2017
Lexicon-free fingerspelling recognition from video: data, models, and signer adaptation
Taehwan Kim, Jonathan Keane,
Weiran Wang , Hao Tang, Jason Riggle,
Gregory Shakhnarovich , Diane Brentari,
Karen Livescu
Computer Speech and Language, 2017
Multitask learning with low-level auxiliary tasks for encoder-decoder based speech recognition
Shubham Toshniwal , Hao Tang,
Liang Lu ,
Karen Livescu
Interspeech, 2017
ASR for under-resourced languages from probabilistic transcription
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson ,
Preethi Jyothi , Daniel McCloy,
Majid Mirbagheri, Giovanni di Liberto, Amit Das,
Bradley Ekin, Chunxi Liu, Vimal Manohar, Hao Tang,
Edmund C. Lalor, Nancy Chen, Paul Hager, Tyler Kekona, Rose Sloan,
Adrian KC Lee
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2017
End-to-end training approaches for discriminative segmental models
Hao Tang,
Weiran Wang ,
Kevin Gimpel ,
Karen Livescu
SLT, 2016
Efficient segmental cascades for speech recognition
Hao Tang,
Weiran Wang ,
Kevin Gimpel ,
Karen Livescu
Interspeech, 2016
Triphone state-tying via deep canonical correlation analysis
Weiran Wang ,
Hao Tang,
Karen Livescu
Interspeech, 2016
Adapting ASR for under-resourced languages
using mismatched transcriptions
Chunxi Liu, Preethi Jyothi ,
Hao Tang, Vimal Manohar, Rose Sloan, Tyler Kekona,
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson ,
Sanjeev Khudanpur
ICASSP, 2016(speech and language processing student paper award)
Signer-independent fingerspelling recognition
with deep neural network adaptation
Taehwan Kim, Weiran Wang ,
Hao Tang, Karen Livescu
ICASSP, 2016(best student paper of speech and language processing)
Discriminative segmental cascades
for feature-rich phone recognition
Hao Tang,
Weiran Wang ,
Kevin Gimpel ,
Karen Livescu
ASRU, 2015(best paper nominee)
A comparison of training approaches
for discriminative segmental models
Hao Tang, Kevin Gimpel ,
Karen Livescu
Interspeech, 2014
Log-linear dialog manager
Hao Tang,
Shinji Watanabe ,
Tim K. Marks ,
John Hershey
ICASSP, 2014
Discriminative pronunciation modeling: a large-margin
feature-rich approach
Hao Tang,
Joseph Keshet ,
Karen Livescu
ACL, 2012
An initial attempt for phoneme recognition using
structured SVM
Hao Tang, Chao-Hong Meng, Lin-Shan Lee
ICASSP, 2010
Spoken term detection from bilingual spontaneous speech
using code-switched lattice-based structure for words and
subword units
Hung-Yi Lee, Yueh-Lien Tang, Hao Tang, Lin-Shan Lee
ASRU, 2009
Query term selection strategies for web-based Chinese factoid
question answering
Hao Tang, Cheng-Wei Lee, Tian-Jian Jiang, Wen-Lian Hsu
TAAI, 2006