Appendix -- Experimental Setup
- Test suites ``Encyclopedia of Chess Middlegames'' (ECM, 879
positions), ``Win at Chess'' (WAC, 300 positions), and ``1001 Winning
Chess Sacrifices'' (WCS, 1001 positions) as available on the Internet,
- DARKTHOUGHT as of October 31, 1997 with 8M transposition-table
entries (4M per side), 1M King hash-table entries (512K per side), and
512K Pawn hash-table entries,
- Digital Unix 4.0b program development tools and operating system,
- 500MHz AlphaPC164 workstation (500MHz DEC Alpha-21164a EV56 CPU,
8KB/8KB on-chip I/D L1 caches, 96KB unified on-chip L2 cache, 1MB unified
off-chip L3 cache, DEC PC164 mainboard, 8x16MB PS/2 SIMMs = 128MB RAM) as
provided by Digital Equipment Corp. under external technology research contract
DE-0032-97 entitled ``Optimization and Fine-Tuning
of a Sophisticated Tree-Searching Application for 64-bit Alpha CPUs''.
Created by Ernst A. Heinz, Thu Dec 16 23:28:11 EST 1999