Howard E. Shrobe

Howard E. Shrobe, (
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7877 (voice)
Administrative Assistant: Nira Manokharan (617)253-5977

I am currently serving as a Program Manager in DARPA's Information Innovation Office and not conducting research on campus

Principal Research Scientist MIT  CSAIL.

From 1997 - 2000, I served as associate director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

From 1994 - 1997, I served at  DARPA  as Assistant Director and Chief Scientist of the Information Technology Office. I was responsible for the Intelligent Systems and Software Technology group in the office with direct involvement in the Evolutionary Design of Complex Software and the original suite of Information Survivability programs.

From Feb 2010 - Oct 2013, I served at  DARPA as a Program Manager Information Innovation Office where I sponsored two programs on cyber security: CRASH (Clean-slate design of Resilient Adaptive Secure Hosts) and MRC (Mission-oriented Resilient Clouds).

From Oct 2013 - November 2014 I served as Associate Director of CSAIL

At the present time my main interests are in new (hardware and software) architectures for secure computing, the security of industrial control systems, intelligent  assistants for programmers, and policy issues related to cyber security.

In the past, I led the following research groups: 

The AIRE (Agent-based Intelligent Reactive Environments) Group
The CHIP project of the DARPA BICA Program
The TIARA project of the IARPA NICECAP program
The PMOP and AWDRAT projects of the DARPA SRS program

Before begining my term at DARPA I was involved in the following projects: 

Resilient Mission Computer together with colleagues at MIT Lincoln Laboratory
The Wilee project in the DARPA CHASE program
The Rita project in the DARPA ASIST program
Two projects sponsored by ONR that are concerned with the cyber-security of control systems
A project sponsored by ONR on learning procedures from texts (with Boris Katz and Pat Langley)


6.033 Spring Term
16.410, 6.871 [J] Fall 2020
In the past I have taught sections of 6.034 and led courses on Knowledge-based systems and a graduate course on AI
