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"Search-based Foot Placement for Quadrupedal Traversal of Challenging Terrain"

Mitchell, B., Hofmann, A. G., and Williams, B. C.

ICRA 2007


"Bipedal Walking from Neurological and Biomechanical Principles"

Jo, S., Hofmann, A. G.

Book chapter in "Biological Cybernetics Research Trends", Nova Science Publishers, 2007


"Intent Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction", pdf

Hofmann, A. G., Williams, B. C.

AAAI 2007 Spring Symposium Series, Interaction Challenges for Artificial Assistants


"Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Flexibility for Plan Execution of Hybrid, Under-actuated Systems", pdf

Hofmann, A. G., Williams, B. C.

AAAI 2006


"Robust Execution of Temporally Flexible Plans for Bipedal Walking Devices", pdf

Hofmann, A. G., Williams, B. C.

ICAPS 2006


"Robust Execution of Bipedal Walking Tasks from Biomechanical Principles", pdf

Hofmann, A. G.

Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, 2005


"Progress Towards Task-Level Collaboration Between Astronauts and their Robotic Assistants", pdf

Effinger, B., Hofmann, A. G., Williams, B. C.



"A Sliding Controller for Bipedal Balancing Using Integrated Movement of Contact and Non-Contact Limbs", pdf

Hofmann, A. G., Popovic, M. B., Herr, H. M.

IROS 2004


"Zero Spin Angular Momentum Control: Definition and Applicability", pdf

Popovic, M. B., Hofmann, A. G., Herr, H. M.

Humanoids 2004


"Control Improvements for Low Impedance Bipedal Walking Robots", pdf, abstract

Pratt, G. A., Hofmann, A. G., Willisson, P., Bolton, C.

American Controls Conference, Boston, MA, June 2004


"Angular Momentum Regulation During Human Walking", pdf

Popovic, M. B., Hofmann, A. G., Herr, H. M.

ICRA 2004


"Humanoid Standing Control: Learning from Human Demonstration", pdf

Hofmann, A. G., Popovic, M. B., Herr, H. M.

Journal of Automatic Control, May 2002


"Toward a Robust Control of Bipedal Walking from Human Demonstration", abstract (pdf)

Huang, G. T., Hofmann, A. G., Riley, P. O., Pratt, G. A., Herr, H. M.

Fifth International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston, MA, 2001