Timeliness, Failure Detectors, and Consensus Performance.

Authors: Idit Keidar and Alex Shraer.

In the 25th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC '06), pages 169-178, July 2006.

Full version Technical Report CCIT 576, Technion Department of Electrical Engineering, February 2006.


We study the implication that various timeliness and failure detector assumptions have on the performance of consensus algorithms that exploit them. We present a general framework, GIRAF, for expressing such assumptions, and reasoning about the performance of indulgent algorithms.


Preprint of PODC paper: ps, ps.gz, pdf, pdf.gz.

Technical Report CCIT 576, Technion Department of Electrical Engineering, July 2006: pdf.

Talk slides (powerpoint): ppt.