Piotr Indyk

my picture

I am a Thomas D. and Virginia W. Cabot Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
I am a co-director of Foundations of Data Science Institute (FODSI).
I am also a member of Theory of Computation Group in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, Wireless@MIT, Big Data@CSAIL and Mifods.
Short bio (on wiki).


Research Interests:

High-dimensional computational geometry (including approximate nearest neighbor search), data stream algorithms, sparse recovery, compressive sensing, machine learning algorithms, learning-based algorithms.

Current students:


Past postdocs:

Past students:

Conference PCs and journal editorial boards:


Here is a list of some of my papers.

Surveys, tutorials and talks:

Grad course materials:

Spring 2019: Learning-Augmented Algorithms.

Fall 2017: Sketching Algorithms for Big Data (jointly with Jelani Nelson at Harvard).

Fall 2014: Algorithms and Signal Processing (6.893).

Spring 2013: Sub-linear Algorithms (6.893).

Spring 2012: Geometric Computing (6.850).

Fall 2010: Sub-linear Algorithms (6.896).

Spring 2009: Streaming Etc. (at Rice University).

Fall 2007: Sketching, Streaming, and Sub-linear Space algorithms (6.895).

Spring 2007: Geometric Computation (6.850).

Fall 2006: Computational Biology, Too (6.895/6.085).

Fall 2005: Computational Biology (6.895/6.095).

Spring 2005: Geometric Computing (6.838) .

Fall 2003: Geometric Computing (6.838) .

Fall 2002: Algorithms for Massive Data Sets (6.897).

Fall 2001: Geometric Computation (6.838)

Fall 2000: Algorithmic Aspects of Embeddings (6.978).


Sparse Fourier Transform From Theory to Practice



Piotr Indyk
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
Room G642
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Fax: (617) 258-8682
email: indyk ατ theory.lcs.mit.edu