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Representation of currency and SI units in character strings for information interchanges | ||||||
This document describes a character string encoding for numerical values, monetary units, and SI units which:
According to [NASA 1999] Arthur Stephenson, chairman of the Mars Climate Orbiter Mission Failure Investigation Board:
"The 'root cause' of the loss of the spacecraft was the failed translation of English units into metric units in a segment of ground-based, navigation-related mission software, ..."
Although the [ISO 6093] standard for automated interchange of numerical data is widely used, standardized measurement units (other than for page formating) are not routinely attached to interchange data.
The audience for metric standards extends beyond scientists and engineers. In the preface to Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) [NIST 811], B. Taylor writes:
The International System of Units, universally abbreviated SI, is the modern metric system of measurement. Long the dominant measurement system used in science, the SI is becoming the dominant measurement system used in international commerce.
For use in commerce, monetary units should be mixed with SI units.
But most currency symbols are not in code-page 0. Furthermore,
monetary units are prefixes in some locales and suffixes in others.
[ISO 4217] currency names are composed of
characters from code-page 0 and are widely used. Because
is not a presentation format, we can unify the
suffix treatment of SI units with monetary units.
The 1986 standard Representations for U.S. Customary, SI, and Other Units to Be Used in Systems with Limited Character Sets [ANSI X3.50] states:
This standard was not designed for ... usage by humans as input to, or output from, data systems. ... They should never be printed out for publication or for other forms of public information transfer.
[ANSI X3.50] representations of units are ambiguous. "min" is both "minute" and "milliinch"; "cd" is both "candela" and "centiday".
Apart from SI units, [ANSI X3.50] supports only U.S. local units, is not complete in that support, and has no provision for extension to other locales. But non-SI unit systems are in such disarray that using them for interchange is not practical. Unit names signify different volumes in different locales; the Canadian gallon is 4.54609 liters, while the U.S. gallon is 3.785412 liters. The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics [CRC] lists no less than six distinct (incompatible) systems of wire gauges.
The character set limitations targeted by [ANSI X3.50], namely single alphabetic case, are no longer common in data interchanges. But much of its double case "Form I" SI unit representations are similar to those presented here.
Cascading Style Sheets [CSS2] permit certain units directly appended to numbers. Only a fixed set of units is supported; these units cannot be combined with other prefixes or each other.
" CSS2 syntax and basic data types" describes the units:
Of these CSS2 units, cm, mm, rad, ms, s, Hz, and kHz are compatible with the Metric Interchange Formats described here. The remainder, em, ex, px, %, in, pt, pc, deg, and grad do not spoof any metric-interchange units. Note that the CSS2 degree unit, deg, is not recognized as the metric-interchage degree unit, o.
Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) [NIST 811] details a methodology for expressing measurement units in both text and symbolic form in scientific and other documents. Its unit expressions combine over 40 metric base and derived unit symbols unambiguously. Taylor's unit symbols are the basis for this metric interchange format.
A monetary unit symbol is formed from 3 upper-case alphabetic characters. The metric symbols are from the symbol column of the Metric Unit Symbols table.
Within a compound unit, each of the base and derived symbols can optionally have an attached SI prefix. The binary prefixes can be used with base units B (byte) and bit.
Unit symbols formed from other unit symbols by multiplication are indicated by means of a PERIOD (".") placed between them.
Unit symbols formed from other unit symbols by division are indicated by means of a SOLIDUS ("/") or negative exponents. The SOLIDUS must not be repeated in the same compound unit unless contained within a parenthesized subexpression.
The grouping formed by a prefix symbol attached to a unit symbol constitutes a new inseparable symbol (forming a multiple or submultiple of the unit concerned) which can be raised to a positive or negative power and which can be combined with other unit symbols to form compound unit symbols.
The grouping formed by surrounding compound unit symbols with parentheses ("(" and ")") constitutes a new inseparable symbol which can be raised to a positive or negative power and which can be combined with other unit symbols to form compound unit symbols.
Compound prefix symbols, that is, prefix symbols formed by the juxtaposition of two or more prefix symbols, are not permitted.
Prefix symbols are not used with the time-related unit symbols min (minute), h (hour), d (day). No prefix symbol may be used with dB (decibel) or u (unified atomic mass unit). Only submultiple prefix symbols may be used with the unit symbols L (liter), Np (neper), o (degree), oC (degree Celsius), rad (radian), and sr (steradian). Submultiple prefix symbols may not be used with the unit symbols t (metric ton), r (revolution), or Bd (baud).
A unit exponent follows the unit, separated by a CIRCUMFLEX ("^"). Exponents may be positive or negative. Fractional exponents must be parenthesized.
Monetary units must be composed of 3 upper-case letters.
The case of letters in metric unit symbols must match the symbols specified in the Metric Unit Symbols table. Metric unit symbols are composed of lower-case letters except that:
The prefix symbols Y (yotta), Z (zetta), E (exa), P (peta), T (tera), G (giga), and M (mega) are printed in upper-case letters while all other prefix symbols are printed in lower-case letters.
When used with a numerical value of a quantity, the unit symbol is placed after the numerical value. A PERIOD ("."), SPACE (" "), or nothing is placed between the numerical value and the unit symbol. A SPACE is preferred.
These binary prefixes are valid only with the units B (byte) and bit. However, decimal prefixes can also be used with bit; and decimal multiple (not submultiple) prefixes can also be used with B (byte).
Factor | Power-of-2 | Name | Symbol |
1.024e3 | 210 | kibi | Ki |
1.048576e6 | 220 | mebi | Mi |
1.073741824e9 | 230 | gibi | Gi |
1.099511627776e12 | 240 | tebi | Ti |
1.125899906842624e15 | 250 | pebi | Pi |
1.152921504606846976e18 | 260 | exbi | Ei |
Type of Quantity | Name | Symbol | Equivalent |
time | second | s | |
time | minute | min | = 60.s |
time | hour | h | = 60.min |
time | day | d | = 24.h |
frequency | hertz | Hz | s^-1 |
signaling rate | baud | Bd | s^-1 |
length | meter | m | |
volume | liter | L | dm^3 |
plane angle | radian | rad | |
solid angle | steradian | sr | rad^2 |
plane angle | revolution | r | =*6.283185307179586.rad |
plane angle | degree | o | =*2.777777777777778e-3.r |
information capacity | bit | bit | |
information capacity | byte, octet | B | = 8.bit |
mass | gram | g | |
mass | ton | t | Mg |
mass | unified atomic mass unit | u | = 1.660538782e-27.kg |
amount of substance | mole | mol | |
catalytic activity | katal | kat | mol/s |
thermodynamic temperature | kelvin | K | |
temperature | degree Celsius | oC | |
luminous intensity | candela | cd | |
luminous flux | lumen | lm | cd.sr |
illuminance | lux | lx | lm/m^2 |
force | newton | N | m.kg.s^-2 |
pressure, stress | pascal | Pa | N/m^2 |
energy, work, heat | joule | J | N.m |
energy | electronvolt | eV | = 1.602176487e-19.J |
power, radiant flux | watt | W | J/s |
logarithm of power ratio | neper | Np | |
logarithm of power ratio | decibel | dB | =*0.1151293.Np |
electric current | ampere | A | |
electric charge | coulomb | C | s.A |
electric potential, EMF | volt | V | W/A |
capacitance | farad | F | C/V |
electric resistance | ohm | Ohm | V/A |
electric conductance | siemens | S | A/V |
magnetic flux | weber | Wb | V.s |
magnetic flux density | tesla | T | Wb/m^2 |
inductance | henry | H | Wb/A |
radionuclide activity | becquerel | Bq | s^-1 |
absorbed dose energy | gray | Gy | m^2.s^-2 |
dose equivalent | sievert | Sv | m^2.s^-2 |
* | The exact formulas are: | |
r/rad | = 8 * atan(1) | |
o/r | = 1 / 360 | |
db/Np | = ln(10) / 20 |
Type of Quantity | Name | Symbol | Equivalent |
electric current | ampere | A | |
information capacity | byte, octet | B | = 8.bit |
signaling rate | baud | Bd | s^-1 |
information capacity | bit | bit | |
radionuclide activity | becquerel | Bq | s^-1 |
electric charge | coulomb | C | s.A |
luminous intensity | candela | cd | |
time | day | d | = 24.h |
logarithm of power ratio | decibel | dB | =*0.1151293.Np |
energy | electronvolt | eV | = 1.602176487e-19.J |
capacitance | farad | F | C/V |
mass | gram | g | |
absorbed dose energy | gray | Gy | m^2.s^-2 |
inductance | henry | H | Wb/A |
time | hour | h | = 60.min |
frequency | hertz | Hz | s^-1 |
energy, work, heat | joule | J | N.m |
thermodynamic temperature | kelvin | K | |
catalytic activity | katal | kat | mol/s |
volume | liter | L | dm^3 |
luminous flux | lumen | lm | cd.sr |
illuminance | lux | lx | lm/m^2 |
length | meter | m | |
time | minute | min | = 60.s |
amount of substance | mole | mol | |
force | newton | N | m.kg.s^-2 |
logarithm of power ratio | neper | Np | |
plane angle | degree | o | =*2.777777777777778e-3.r |
temperature | degree Celsius | oC | |
electric resistance | ohm | Ohm | V/A |
pressure, stress | pascal | Pa | N/m^2 |
plane angle | revolution | r | =*6.283185307179586.rad |
plane angle | radian | rad | |
electric conductance | siemens | S | A/V |
time | second | s | |
solid angle | steradian | sr | rad^2 |
dose equivalent | sievert | Sv | m^2.s^-2 |
magnetic flux density | tesla | T | Wb/m^2 |
mass | ton | t | Mg |
mass | unified atomic mass unit | u | = 1.660538782e-27.kg |
electric potential, EMF | volt | V | W/A |
power, radiant flux | watt | W | J/s |
magnetic flux | weber | Wb | V.s |
Most of these are from [NIST 811] - Examples of SI derived units ... and Essentials of the SI: Base & derived units
Type of Quantity | Name | Symbol |
area | square meter | m^2 |
volume | cubic meter | m^3 |
speed, velocity | meter per second | m/s |
acceleration | meter per second squared | m/s^2 |
wave number | reciprocal meter | m^-1 |
mass density (density) | kilogram per cubic meter | kg/m^3 |
specific volume | cubic meter per kilogram | m^3/kg |
current density | ampere per square meter | A/m^2 |
magnetic field strength | ampere per meter | A/m |
concentration | mole per cubic meter | mol/m^3 |
luminance | candela per square meter | cd/m^2 |
angular velocity | radian per second | rad/s |
angular acceleration | radian per second squared | rad/s^2 |
dynamic viscosity | pascal second | Pa.s |
moment of force | newton meter | N.m |
surface tension | newton per meter | N/m |
heat flux density | watt per square meter | W/m^2 |
radiant intensity | watt per steradian | W/sr |
radiance | watt per square meter steradian | W/(m^2.sr) |
heat capacity, entropy | joule per kelvin | J/K |
specific heat or entropy | joule per kilogram kelvin | J/(kg.K) |
specific energy | joule per kilogram | J/kg |
thermal conductivity | watt per meter kelvin | W/(m.K) |
energy density | joule per cubic meter | J/m^3 |
electric field strength | volt per meter | V/m |
electric charge density | coulomb per cubic meter | C/m^3 |
electric flux density | coulomb per square meter | C/m^2 |
permittivity | farad per meter | F/m |
permeability | henry per meter | H/m |
molar energy | joule per mole | J/mol |
molar entropy or heat | joule per mole kelvin | J/(mol.K) |
exposure (x and g rays) | coulomb per kilogram | C/kg |
absorbed dose rate | gray per second | Gy/s |
rotational speed | revolution per minute | r/min |
catalytic concentration | katal per cubic meter | kat/m^3 |
data rate | mebibit per second | Mib/s |
noise voltage density | nanovolt per root hertz | nV/Hz^(1/2) |
hourly rate | US Dollars per hour | USD/h |
price | Euros per kilogram | EUR/kg |
exchange rate | Japanese Yen per US Dollar | JPY/USD |
Programming language support for metric unit interchange should be provided by a function of two unit arguments returning a conversion factor. Multiplying a numerical value expressed in the second unit by the returned conversion factor yields the numerical value expressed in the first unit. This function must return a non-positive number if either of its arguments is not a syntactically valid unit; or if the conversion factor does not exist.
UCF("km/s", "m/s" ) --> 0.001 UCF("N" , "m/s" ) --> 0 UCF("moC" , "oC" ) --> 1000 UCF("mK" , "oC" ) --> 0 UCF("rad" , "o" ) --> 0.0174533 UCF("K" , "o" ) --> 0 UCF("K" , "K" ) --> 1 UCF("oK" , "oK" ) --> -3 UCF("" , "s/s" ) --> 1 UCF("km/h", "mph" ) --> -2
Lexical numerical constants in the programming languages C, Pascal, and Scheme could be extended to incorporate Metric Interchange Syntax compatibly with their current syntaxes; but this is not required for supporting input and output of units.
"Representation of numerical values in character strings for information interchanges", [ISO 6093], specifies the three machine-readable presentations in widespread use (Integer, Decimal, and Exponential notations) using only the characters:
<space> | |
<left-parenthesis> | ( |
<right-parenthesis> | ) |
<comma> | , |
<plus-sign> | + |
<hyphen-minus> | - |
<period> | . |
<E> | E |
<e> | e |
<digit> | 0 - 9 |
In [UTF-7] the character PLUS-SIGN ("+") is not directly encoded, requiring multi-octet encoding. But every [ISO 6093] numeric value can be expressed without the use of PLUS-SIGN. So the number syntax given here does not include PLUS-SIGN.
Locale charsets all support the digits 0 to 9. There are only 3 LC_NUMERIC attributes: decimal_point, thousands_sep, and grouping. [ISO 6093] specifies use of either "." or "," for the decimal point. [ISO 6093] does not allow grouping. There is no LC_NUMERIC attribute for exponent. Thus Latin characters ("e" or "E") must be available in all languages which support [ISO 6093].
The programming languages C, Fortran, PL/I, Pascal, and Scheme accept [ISO 6093] numbers both as lexical constants and as input data.
Of the SI symbols, the "micro" prefix (GREEK-SMALL-LETTER-MU or MICRO-SIGN), "ohm" symbol (GREEK-CAPITAL-LETTER-OMEGA), and "degree" symbol (DEGREE-SIGN) are not supported by all charset encodings. By substituting "u", "Ohm", and "o" respectively, the unit symbols remain readable while preserving the system's unambiguity.
Taylor recommends using the MIDDLE-DOT character between multiplied unit symbols. To support those charset encodings lacking MIDDLE-DOT, metric interchange format instead uses PERIOD (".").
The unit superscript exponents could be formed using SUPERSCRIPT-MINUS, SUPERSCRIPT-ONE, SUPERSCRIPT-TWO, SUPERSCRIPT-THREE, etc. But these characters are not universal. So the CIRCUMFLEX ("^") is placed between a unit and its exponent, written with a portable (HYPHEN-MINUS and) digit.
The symbol for the liter, L, was adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures in order to avoid the risk of confusion between the letter l and the number 1 (see [NIST 811] - Units Outside the SI).
Metric Interchange Format (including numbers) uses only the characters:
<left-parenthesis> | ( |
<right-parenthesis> | ) |
<comma> | , |
<hyphen-minus> | - |
<period> | . |
<solidus> | / |
<circumflex> | ^ |
<digit> | 0 - 9 |
<upper> | A - Z |
<lower> | a - z |
Computer professionals sometimes use the term "kilobyte" to mean 1024 bytes. However, standards for data interchange must be unambiguous in all contexts. In December 1998 the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) approved as an IEC International Standard [IEC 60027-2] names and symbols for prefixes for binary multiples for use in the fields of data processing and data transmission.
As of 2000, the units bit and byte have not been accepted for use with SI, but are in widespread use. The IEC symbols are "B" for byte and "bit" for bit. To avoid conflict for "B", the bel was replaced by the decibel (dB).
Because white noise power in a bandwidth is proportional to that bandwidth, electronic noise units can have fractional exponents as in nV/Hz^(1/2) (nanovolt per root hertz).
Degree Celsius (oC) is not convertible to kelvin (K) by multiplication of a constant. Thus the formula "oC = K - 273.15" does not appear in the "Unit Symbols" table; and the conversion-factor function must return a non-positive number when called to convert between oC and K.
Because a PERIOD (".") after a numerical lexical constant is not specified in the syntax of the programming languages C, Pascal, and Scheme, the syntax of their lexical constants could be extended to incorporate SI unit symbol suffixes separated by a PERIOD. The syntax of "double" in Java could similarly be extended.
Arnold G. Reinhold and Jon Krom helped develop both MIXF
quantity_value : real | real ' ' unit | real '.' unit | real unit ; unit : unit_product | unit_product '/' single_unit ; unit_product : single_unit | unit_product '.' single_unit ; single_unit : punit | punit '^' uxponent | '(' unit ')' | '(' unit ')^' uxponent ; uxponent : uinteger | '-' uinteger | '(' uinteger '/' uinteger ')' | '(-' uinteger '/' uinteger ')' ; punit : decimal_multiple_prefix unit_p_symbol | decimal_submultiple_prefix unit_n_symbol | decimal_multiple_prefix unit_b_symbol | decimal_submultiple_prefix unit_b_symbol | binary_prefix 'B' | binary_prefix 'bit' | unit_p_symbol | unit_n_symbol | unit_b_symbol | unit___symbol ; decimal_multiple_prefix : 'E' | 'G' | 'M' | 'P' | 'T' | 'Y' | 'Z' | 'da' | 'h' | 'k' ; decimal_submultiple_prefix : 'a' | 'c' | 'd' | 'f' | 'm' | 'n' | 'p' | 'u' | 'y' | 'z' ; binary_prefix : 'Ei' | 'Gi' | 'Ki' | 'Mi' | 'Pi' | 'Ti' ; unit_p_symbol : 'B' | 'Bd' | 'r' | 't' ; unit_n_symbol : 'L' | 'Np' | 'o' | 'oC' | 'rad' | 'sr' ; unit_b_symbol : 'A' | 'Bq' | 'C' | 'F' | 'Gy' | 'H' | 'Hz' | 'J' | 'K' | 'N' | 'Ohm' | 'Pa' | 'S' | 'Sv' | 'T' | 'V' | 'W' | 'Wb' | 'bit' | 'cd' | 'eV' | 'g' | 'kat' | 'lm' | 'lx' | 'm' | 'mol' | 's' | currency_symbol ; unit___symbol : 'd' | 'dB' | 'h' | 'min' | 'u' ; currency_symbol : upper_letter upper_letter upper_letter ; upper_letter : 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' | 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z' ; real : ureal | '-' ureal ; ureal : numerical_value | numerical_value suffix ; numerical_value : uinteger | dot uinteger | uinteger dot uinteger | uinteger dot ; dot : '.' | ',' ; uinteger : digit uinteger | uinteger ; suffix : exponent_marker uinteger | exponent_marker '-' uinteger ; exponent_marker : 'e' | 'E' ; digit : '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' ;
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I am a guest and not a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
My actions and comments do not reflect in any way on MIT. |
Aubrey Jaffer | agj @ alum.mit.edu | Go Figure! |