libpmk Namespace Reference


class  Clusterer
 Abstract interface for a flat clusterer. More...
class  HierarchicalClusterer
 Hierarchical K-Means clusterer. More...
class  KMeansClusterer
 Implements K-Means clustering. More...
class  Bin
 Encapsulates a histogram bin. More...
class  Histogram
 A sparse representation for a flat (1-D) histogram. More...
class  MultiResolutionHistogram
 A data structure for a pyramid of histograms, with a link structure between levels. More...
class  Feature
 A data structure representing a weighted vector of floats. More...
class  MutablePointSetList
 A mutable, in-memory PointSetList. More...
class  OnDiskPointSetList
 A read-only PointSetList which reads information from disk. More...
class  PointRef
 A way to reference Features in a particular PointSetList. More...
class  PointSetList
 Abstract interface for a list of PointSet. More...
class  PointSet
 A data structure representing a list of Feature vectors. More...
class  GlobalVGPyramidMaker
 Makes pyramids with bin sizes determined by a particular set of points. More...
class  InputSpecificVGPyramidMaker
 Makes pyramids with bin sizes that are specific to each input. More...
class  PyramidMaker
 Abstract interface for turning PointSets into MultiResolutionHistograms. More...
class  PyramidMatcher
 Matches two MultiResolutionHistograms. More...
class  UniformPyramidMaker
 Creates MultiResolutionHistograms with bins of uniform size at each level. More...
class  VGPyramidMaker
 Abstract interface for vocabulary-guided pyramid makers. More...
class  DistanceComputer
 An abstract interface for computing distance between two Features. More...
class  L1DistanceComputer
 Computes L1 distance between two Features. More...
class  L2DistanceComputer
 Computes the square of the L2 distance between two Features. More...
class  LabeledIndex
 An index-label pair. More...
class  TreeNode
 An indexed node, used by Tree. More...
class  Tree
 A data structure for sparsely representing trees containing TreeNode objects. More...


typedef vector< int > LargeIndex
typedef pair< LargeIndex,
double > 
typedef vector< IndexValuePairSparseVector



Typedef Documentation

typedef vector<int> LargeIndex

typedef pair<LargeIndex, double> IndexValuePair

typedef vector<IndexValuePair> SparseVector

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum BinWeightScheme


Generated on Wed May 2 11:17:13 2007 for libpmk by  doxygen 1.5.1