jonathan bachrach
stochastic folding
Maxim Lobovsky, 2011
scalable folding through ratcheting.
printing digital materials
Jonathan Ward, 2010
explorations into digital materials and their assemblers.
distributed area search with a team of robots
Velin Tzanov, 2006
solutions to the distributed area search problem: organizing a team of robots to collaborate in the task of searching through an area.
simultaneous tracking and calibration in snets
Christopher Taylor, 2005
a sensor network algorithm that uses range measurements between sensors and a moving target to simultaneously localize the sensors, calibrate sensing hardware, and recover the target's trajectory.
path planning and threat avoidance with snets
Adam Eames, 2005
the design, analysis, and implementation of a distributed system providing path planning and threat avoidance capability to mobile users.
Michael Salib, 2004
a type Inferencer for Python.
viral computing
Andrew Sutherland, 2003
a new programming paradigm for robustly programming massive ad hoc networks of sensor nodes based on biological metaphors.
predicate dispatching in CLOS
Aaron Ucko, 2001
support for predicate dispatching, a powerful generalization of other dispatching mechanisms, to the Common LISP Object System (CLOS).