



博士課程 奨学金(給付型)


リンク: 入学要件 / 出願情報 


質問のある方は以下のメールアドレスにご連絡ください。 kawaguch at csail.mit.edu


開始時期・採用予定日: 2021年7月以降であれば開始時期は相談により柔軟に対応

応募方法: 研究実績を含む履歴書を以下のメールアドレスまで送ってください。 kawaguch at csail.mit.edu

研究テーマ・トピック: 候補者の興味に合わせ柔軟に決定します。候補者は自分の興味のある研究テーマ・トピックを提案することもできますし、当研究室から提示された研究テーマ・トピックを選択することもできます。

給与: 大学の規程に基づき経験・能力に応じて決定します。


研究を目的とした長期・短期留学の受け入れ先として当研究室に興味がある方は、以下のメールアドレスにご連絡ください。 kawaguch at csail.mit.edu

例) 企業に在籍しながら海外留学する受け入れ先

例) 日本の大学院に在籍しながら現地大学院内で学ぶ留学の受け入れ先

Minimum requirements: bachelor's degree

Preferred qualification: master's degree or PhD

About me

  • Name: Kenji Kawaguchi
  • Institute: National University of Singapore, the Department of Computer Science
  • Position: Presidential Young Professor, starting 2021
  • Education: PhD in Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University
  • Publications: Google Scholar
  • Research interests in my lab at NUS: Deep Learning and Machine Learning - both theory and practice
  • About NUS CS

    In the field of Computer Science, National University of Singapore (NUS) is ranked No. 1 in Asia and within the top 10 in the world. [Link] [Link]
  • CS Asia Ranking: 1st (QS World University Rankings 2021), 1st (THE World University Rankings 2021)
  • CS World Ranking: 4th (QS World University Rankings 2021), 8th (THE World University Rankings 2021), 8th (US News and World Reports)

  • Overall, NUS is a world-class university.
  • University Asia Ranking: 1st (QS World University Rankings 2021)
  • University World Ranking: 11th (QS World University Rankings 2021)

  • English is the main language of Singapore. The language used at NUS is English. No other language is required.

    In my group at NUS CS

    you can expect...
  • Sponsorship to attend international conferences (NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, etc.)
  • Collaborations with MIT, Harvard University, Brown University, MILA, Google Brain, and more.
  • Access to my lab's GPU workstations (plus shared GPUs in clusters): we will purchase new GPU workstations for incomming students and postdocs at my lab.
  • Flexibility in choosing research themes and topics.
  • Assistance with obtaining internships, postdoc positions and faculty positions.

  • A glimpse of life at NUS and Singapore


    An example of one of my past research - I work on many other topics too, including practical deep learning methods: see my Google Scholar